Download API.API-571.SelftestTraining.2019-03-15.272q.vcex

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Exam Corrosion and Materials
Number API-571
File Name API.API-571.SelftestTraining.2019-03-15.272q.vcex
Size 104 KB
Posted Mar 15, 2019
Download API.API-571.SelftestTraining.2019-03-15.272q.vcex

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Demo Questions

Question 1

__________ is a change in the microstructure of certain carbon steels and 0.5 Mo steels after long term operation in the 800º F to 1100º F range.

  1. Graphitization
  2. Softening
  3. Temper Embrittlement
  4. Creep
Correct answer: A

Question 2

What structure is 304 stainless steel?

  1. Martensitic
  2. Austenitic
  3. Duplex
  4. Ferritic
Correct answer: B

Question 3

General or localized corrosion of carbon steels and other metals caused by dissolved salts, gases, organic compounds or microbiological activities is called ________.

  1. Flue Gas Corrosion
  2. Atmospheric Corrosion
  3. Cooling Water Corrosion
  4. None of the Above
  5. All of the Above
Correct answer: C

Question 4

What structure is 410 stainless steel?

  1. Martensitic
  2. Austenitic
  3. Duplex
  4. Ferritic
Correct answer: A

Question 5

The sudden rapid fracture under stress (residual or applied) where the material exhibits little or no evidence of ductility or plastic deformation is called _________.

  1. 885º F Embrittlement
  2. Temper Embrittlement
  3. Stress Corrosion Cracking
  4. Brittle Fracture
Correct answer: D

Question 6

What structure is 409 stainless steel?

  1. Martensitic
  2. Austenitic
  3. Duplex
  4. Ferritic
Correct answer: D

Question 7

Low alloy steels contain a maximum of _______ chrome.

  1. 5%
  2. 6%
  3. 7.5%
  4. 9%
Correct answer: D

Question 8

Which of the following can be affected by 885º F Embrittlement?

  1. 410 SS
  2. 430 SS
  3. 308 SS
  4. Alloy 2205
  5. A, B and D
Correct answer: E

Question 9

________ has been a major problem on coke drum shells.

  1. Thermal fatigue
  2. Stress cracking
  3. Erosion
  4. Temper embrittlement
Correct answer: A

Question 10

Thermal fatigue cracks propagate ________ to the stress and are usually dagger shaped, transgranular and oxide-filled.

  1. Axial
  2. Diagonal
  3. Transverse
  4. Angular
Correct answer: C





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