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Exam Certified Protection Professional
Number CPP
File Name ASIS.CPP.VCEplus.2023-11-22.63q.tqb
Size 206 KB
Posted Nov 22, 2023
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Demo Questions

Question 1

With regard to a potential nuclear attack, the attention or alert signal is usually a:

  1. 30-second wavering sound on sirens
  2. 30-second steady blast
  3. 2-minute wavering sound
  4. 4-minute wavering sound
  5. 3-to-5-minute steady blast on siren
Correct answer: E

Question 2

Which action should not be taken if one hears a standard warning signal of potential nuclear attack?

  1. Go to a public fallout shelter.
  2. Go to a home fallout shelter.
  3. Turn on the radio.
  4. Telephone the nearest civil defense office for more information.
  5. None of the above.
Correct answer: D

Question 3

Which of the following is not a recommended treatment for a person who may be in shock?

  1. Keep the person lying down.
  2. Keep the person from chilling.
  3. Keep the person's head a little lower than his or her hips.
  4. Encourage the person to drink.
  5. Give the person alcohol to drink.
Correct answer: E

Question 4

A symptom of radiation sickness is:

  1. Lack of appetite
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Fatigue
  5. All of the above
Correct answer: E

Question 5

Flood forecasts and warnings are issued by the:

  1. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  2. National Weather Service
  3. Department of the Interior
  4. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  5. Agriculture Department
Correct answer: D

Question 6

Which of the following is not a recommended action with regard to survival of earthquakes?

  1. If outside, immediately go inside.
  2. Keep calm.
  3. Douse all fires.
  4. Keep away from utility wires.
  5. Don't run through buildings.
Correct answer: D

Question 7

The firing train of a bomb generally consists of a:

  1. Detonator
  2. Booster
  3. Main charge
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above
Correct answer: D

Question 8

A full evacuation of a building should be ordered upon receipt of a bomb threat when:

  1. There is a reasonable suspicion that a bomb is present.
  2. Any threat is received.
  3. The threat is received during working hours.
  4. The caller has a foreign accent.
  5. None of the above.
Correct answer: A

Question 9

Which of the following statements is not true in regard to an information security program?

  1. The information security program is an attempt to make theft of sensitive information difficult, not necessarily to eliminate it.
  2. The protection afforded against losses by either internal or external sources is, at best, limited.
  3. A good information security program will provide total protection from industrial espionage.
  4. A trust relationship must be established and maintained with employees.
  5. The good will and compliance of employees is crucial for success.
Correct answer: C

Question 10

Vital records normally constitute what percentage of the company's total records?

  1. 2 percent
  2. 5 percent
  3. 10 percent
  4. 15 percent
  5. 20 percent
Correct answer: A





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