Question 10
You have information from production that the previous version of your product has had a high rate of abandonment after the initial download. In fact, it appears people download the application and never use it.
Poor performance is thought to be the main problem that is causing people to give up the application.
Which of the following aspects of the application should be specifically targeted for testing to help determine if this is really the problem?
Correct answer: D
D is correct since it appears that people download it and never use it, perhaps because it takes so long to complete the download and the initial launch. This may not be the real problem, but it is certainly the first area to look at during testing. A and B are incorrect because the users are not actually using the software and wouldn't see these issues. C might be a problem leading to D being a symptom.
D is correct since it appears that people download it and never use it, perhaps because it takes so long to complete the download and the initial launch. This may not be the real problem, but it is certainly the first area to look at during testing. A and B are incorrect because the users are not actually using the software and wouldn't see these issues. C might be a problem leading to D being a symptom.