Download Google.Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer.VCEplus.2024-01-15.50q.tqb

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Exam Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer
Number Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer
File Name Google.Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer.VCEplus.2024-01-15.50q.tqb
Size 217 KB
Posted Jan 15, 2024
Download Google.Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer.VCEplus.2024-01-15.50q.tqb

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Demo Questions

Question 1

You support a Node.js application running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in production. The application makes several HTTP requests to dependent applications. You want to anticipate which dependent applications might cause performance issues. What should you do? 

  1. Instrument all applications with Stackdriver Profiler. 
  2. Instrument all applications with Stackdriver Trace and review inter-service HTTP requests. 
  3. Use Stackdriver Debugger to review the execution of logic within each application to instrument all applications. 
  4. Modify the Node.js application to log HTTP request and response times to dependent applications. Use Stackdriver Logging to find dependent applications that are performing poorly. 
Correct answer: B

Question 2

You created a Stackdriver chart for CPU utilization in a dashboard within your workspace project. You want to share the chart with your Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team only. You want to ensure you follow the principle of least privilege. What should you do? 

  1. Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project. 
  2. Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project. 
  3. Click “Share chart by URL” and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project. 
  4. Click “Share chart by URL” and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project. 
Correct answer: A

Question 3

Your organization wants to implement Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) culture and principles. Recently, a service that you support had a limited outage. A manager on another team asks you to provide a formal explanation of what happened so they can action remediations. What should you do? 

  1. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, and a prioritized list of action items. Share it with the manager only. 
  2. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, and a prioritized list of action items. Share it on the engineering organization's document portal. 
  3. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, the list of people responsible, and a list of action items for each person. Share it with the manager only. 
  4. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, the list of people responsible, and a list of action items for each person. Share it on the engineering organization's document portal. 
Correct answer: B





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