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Question 1

The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:
(choose the best two answers)

  1. Raise transparency.
  2. Manage the Nexus.
  3. Be accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced.
  4. Integrate the work of the Scrum Teams.
Correct answer: AC
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and managedependencies between teams 12. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 12. One of the key roles in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Integration Team, which is a team of people who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 21.The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:Raise transparency. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is responsible for raising transparency across the Nexus 213. Transparency is one of the pillars of empiricism, which is theprinciple of making decisions based on observation, inspection, and adaptation 12. The Nexus Integration Team helps to raise transparency by facilitating the Nexus events, such as the Nexus Sprint Planning, the Nexus Daily Scrum, the Nexus Sprint Review, and the Nexus Sprint Retrospective 213. The Nexus Integration Team also helps to raise transparency by visualizing the Nexus Sprint Backlog, which is a representation of the work across the Nexus that has dependencies 213. The Nexus Integration Team also helps to raise transparency by communicating and collaborating with the stakeholders, the Product Owner, and the Scrum Teams 213.Be accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced. This is answer C. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced 214. The Integrated Increment is the integrated aggregation of all work completed by all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus 124. The Integrated Increment is the potentially releasable outcome of the Sprint, which means it meets the quality standards andexpectations of the stakeholders 124. The Nexus Integration Team is accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced by ensuring that the work done by the Scrum Teams meets the Definition of Done, which is a formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product 214. The Nexus Integration Team is also accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced by helping the Scrum Teams to identify and resolve any integration issues or dependencies that may affect the quality and delivery of the product 214.The other two answers are not correct because:Manage the Nexus. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is not the manager of the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is a role that consists of the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and other members who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 211. The Nexus Integration Team does not manage or control the Nexus, but rather supports and enables the Nexus 211. The Nexus is self-organizing and autonomous, which means it decides how to do its work and what work to do 124.Integrate the work of the Scrum Teams. This is answer D. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is not the one who integrates the work of the Scrum Teams. The Nexus Integration Team is a role thatconsists of the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and other members who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 211. The NexusIntegration Team facilitates the integration of the work, but does not do it for the teams 211. The teams are responsible for integrating their own work and delivering a potentially releasable Increment of product value ineach Sprint 124.
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and manage
dependencies between teams 12. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 12. One of the key roles in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Integration Team, which is a team of people who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 21.
The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:
Raise transparency. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is responsible for raising transparency across the Nexus 213. Transparency is one of the pillars of empiricism, which is the
principle of making decisions based on observation, inspection, and adaptation 12. The Nexus Integration Team helps to raise transparency by facilitating the Nexus events, such as the Nexus Sprint Planning, the Nexus Daily Scrum, the Nexus Sprint Review, and the Nexus Sprint Retrospective 213. The Nexus Integration Team also helps to raise transparency by visualizing the Nexus Sprint Backlog, which is a representation of the work across the Nexus that has dependencies 213. The Nexus Integration Team also helps to raise transparency by communicating and collaborating with the stakeholders, the Product Owner, and the Scrum Teams 213.
Be accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced. This is answer C. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced 214. The Integrated Increment is the integrated aggregation of all work completed by all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus 124. The Integrated Increment is the potentially releasable outcome of the Sprint, which means it meets the quality standards and
expectations of the stakeholders 124. The Nexus Integration Team is accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced by ensuring that the work done by the Scrum Teams meets the Definition of Done, which is a formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product 214. The Nexus Integration Team is also accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced by helping the Scrum Teams to identify and resolve any integration issues or dependencies that may affect the quality and delivery of the product 214.
The other two answers are not correct because:
Manage the Nexus. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is not the manager of the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is a role that consists of the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and other members who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 211. The Nexus Integration Team does not manage or control the Nexus, but rather supports and enables the Nexus 211. The Nexus is self-organizing and autonomous, which means it decides how to do its work and what work to do 124.
Integrate the work of the Scrum Teams. This is answer D. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Integration Team is not the one who integrates the work of the Scrum Teams. The Nexus Integration Team is a role that
consists of the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and other members who are responsible for coordinating, coaching, and supervising the integration of the work done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 211. The Nexus
Integration Team facilitates the integration of the work, but does not do it for the teams 211. The teams are responsible for integrating their own work and delivering a potentially releasable Increment of product value in
each Sprint 124.

Question 2

Scenario C: Dependencies and Product Backlog items During Nexus Sprint Planning, representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams identify many dependencies. This makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies.
What techniques could help this Nexus manage their dependencies effectively?
(choose the best two answers)

  1. The Nexus Integration Team should complete the dependent work ahead of the Sprint for the teams.
  2. Reorganize team members between the teams to eliminate cross-team dependencies.
  3. Extend the Sprint so that the teams can have more time to complete the dependent work.
  4. Reorder Product Backlog items to better accommodate dependencies.
Correct answer: BD
When a Nexus, which is a group of approximately three to nine Scrum Teams working on the same product, faces many dependencies during Nexus Sprint Planning, it can use some techniques to manage them effectively.One technique is to reorganize team members between the teams to eliminate cross-team dependencies. This can be done by forming feature teams or component teams based on the nature of the work and the skills required. By doing so, the Nexus can reduce the need for coordination and integration across teams, and increase the autonomy and ownership of each team 1122. Therefore, statement B is correct.Another technique is to reorder Product Backlog items to better accommodate dependencies. This can be done by applying dependency management techniques such as dependency mapping, dependency inversion, dependency breaking, and dependency prioritization. By doing so, the Nexus can identify, visualize, resolve, and minimize the dependencies that affect the delivery of the Integrated Increment, which is the combined work of all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus that meets the Nexus Sprint Goal 334455. Therefore, statement D is also correct.Statement A is incorrect because it implies that the Nexus Integration Team, which is a group of people who are accountable for ensuring the integration and delivery of the Integrated Increment, should do the dependent work ahead of the Sprint for the teams. This would create a bottleneck and a single point of failure, as well as undermine the self-organization and collaboration of the Scrum Teams 1122. Statement C is incorrect because it suggests that the Nexus should extend the Sprint so that the teams can have more time to complete the dependent work. This would violate the Scrum principle of time-boxing, which ensures that the Nexus delivers value frequently and incrementally, and inspects and adapts its process regularly 1122.
When a Nexus, which is a group of approximately three to nine Scrum Teams working on the same product, faces many dependencies during Nexus Sprint Planning, it can use some techniques to manage them effectively.
One technique is to reorganize team members between the teams to eliminate cross-team dependencies. This can be done by forming feature teams or component teams based on the nature of the work and the skills required. By doing so, the Nexus can reduce the need for coordination and integration across teams, and increase the autonomy and ownership of each team 1122. Therefore, statement B is correct.
Another technique is to reorder Product Backlog items to better accommodate dependencies. This can be done by applying dependency management techniques such as dependency mapping, dependency inversion, dependency breaking, and dependency prioritization. By doing so, the Nexus can identify, visualize, resolve, and minimize the dependencies that affect the delivery of the Integrated Increment, which is the combined work of all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus that meets the Nexus Sprint Goal 334455. Therefore, statement D is also correct.
Statement A is incorrect because it implies that the Nexus Integration Team, which is a group of people who are accountable for ensuring the integration and delivery of the Integrated Increment, should do the dependent work ahead of the Sprint for the teams. This would create a bottleneck and a single point of failure, as well as undermine the self-organization and collaboration of the Scrum Teams 1122. Statement C is incorrect because it suggests that the Nexus should extend the Sprint so that the teams can have more time to complete the dependent work. This would violate the Scrum principle of time-boxing, which ensures that the Nexus delivers value frequently and incrementally, and inspects and adapts its process regularly 1122.

Question 3

A Nexus Daily Scrum:
(choose the best two answers)

  1. Provides a single meeting where all Scrum Teams can update the Sprint Backlog.
  2. Is the same as a Scrum-of-Scrums.
  3. Provides input into each Scrum Team's individual Daily Scrums to help them better plan their days work.
  4. Is only for the Nexus Integration Team to plan their work for the next 24-hours.
  5. Is an opportunity to make integration issues transparent.
Correct answer: CE
The best answers for this question are:C . Provides input into each Scrum Team's individual Daily Scrums to help them better plan their days work. This answer is correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that helps the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to coordinate their work and identify any integration issues or dependencies that may affect their progress toward the Nexus Sprint Goal. The appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team attend the Nexus Daily Scrum and share relevant information and feedback that can help their teams plan their work for the next 24 hours 112233.E . Is an opportunity to make integration issues transparent. This answer is also correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that enables the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to inspect the current state of the Integrated Increment and to make any integration issues or newly discovered cross-team dependencies transparent. The Nexus Daily Scrum also provides a forum for the Scrum Teams to collaborate and resolve any integration challenges or impediments that may arise during the Sprint 112244.The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:A . Provides a single meeting where all Scrum Teams can update the Sprint Backlog. This answer is not accurate because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not a meeting where all Scrum Teams update the Sprint Backlog, but rather an event where appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team inspect the Integrated Increment and identify integration issues or dependencies. The Sprint Backlog is updated by each Scrum Team during their own Daily Scrum, which is a separate event from the Nexus Daily Scrum 1155.B . Is the same as a Scrum-of-Scrums. This answer is not true because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not the same as a Scrum-of-Scrums, which is a common practice for coordinating multiple Scrum Teams that is not part of theScrum framework. The Nexus Daily Scrum is a specific event defined by the Nexus framework, which is a minimal extension of Scrum that enables multiple Scrum Teams to work together on a single product. The Nexus Daily Scrum has a clear purpose, structure, and outcome that differs from a Scrum-of-Scrums 112233.D . Is only for the Nexus Integration Team to plan their work for the next 24-hours. This answer is not correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not only for the Nexus Integration Team, but also for the appropriaterepresentatives from each Scrum Team in the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is a special Scrum Team that facilitates the integration and delivery of the work done by the other Scrum Teams, but it does not plan the work for them. The Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that helps all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus to coordinate their work and identify any integration issues or dependencies 1155.
The best answers for this question are:
C . Provides input into each Scrum Team's individual Daily Scrums to help them better plan their days work. This answer is correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that helps the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to coordinate their work and identify any integration issues or dependencies that may affect their progress toward the Nexus Sprint Goal. The appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team attend the Nexus Daily Scrum and share relevant information and feedback that can help their teams plan their work for the next 24 hours 112233.
E . Is an opportunity to make integration issues transparent. This answer is also correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that enables the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to inspect the current state of the Integrated Increment and to make any integration issues or newly discovered cross-team dependencies transparent. The Nexus Daily Scrum also provides a forum for the Scrum Teams to collaborate and resolve any integration challenges or impediments that may arise during the Sprint 112244.
The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:
A . Provides a single meeting where all Scrum Teams can update the Sprint Backlog. This answer is not accurate because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not a meeting where all Scrum Teams update the Sprint Backlog, but rather an event where appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team inspect the Integrated Increment and identify integration issues or dependencies. The Sprint Backlog is updated by each Scrum Team during their own Daily Scrum, which is a separate event from the Nexus Daily Scrum 1155.
B . Is the same as a Scrum-of-Scrums. This answer is not true because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not the same as a Scrum-of-Scrums, which is a common practice for coordinating multiple Scrum Teams that is not part of the
Scrum framework. The Nexus Daily Scrum is a specific event defined by the Nexus framework, which is a minimal extension of Scrum that enables multiple Scrum Teams to work together on a single product. The Nexus Daily Scrum has a clear purpose, structure, and outcome that differs from a Scrum-of-Scrums 112233.
D . Is only for the Nexus Integration Team to plan their work for the next 24-hours. This answer is not correct because the Nexus Daily Scrum is not only for the Nexus Integration Team, but also for the appropriate
representatives from each Scrum Team in the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is a special Scrum Team that facilitates the integration and delivery of the work done by the other Scrum Teams, but it does not plan the work for them. The Nexus Daily Scrum is an event that helps all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus to coordinate their work and identify any integration issues or dependencies 1155.

Question 4

Four teams in a Nexus typically integrate their work only once, late in the Sprint. The teams report that it takes many hours or days to integrate their work, which delays the Sprint's end. To address this issue, which of the following would help? (choose the best answer)

  1. Integrating more frequently.
  2. Doing more acceptance testing.
  3. Doing more exploratory testing.
  4. Using Behavior-Driven Development.
  5. Investing in more Requirements Traceability.
  6. All of the above.
Correct answer: A
The best answer for this question is A. Integrating more frequently. This answer is correct because integrating more frequently can help the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to detect and resolve integration issues or dependenciesearlier and faster, and to deliver a potentially releasable product increment at the end of each Sprint. Integrating more frequently can also reduce the complexity and risk of integration, and increase the quality and feedback of value delivery 112233.The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:B . Doing more acceptance testing. This answer is not sufficient because doing more acceptance testing does not address the root cause of the problem, which is the late integration of the work. Acceptance testing can help to verify the quality and functionality of the product increment, but it does not ensure that the integration is done early and often. Moreover, doing more acceptance testing may consume more time and resources, and delaythe delivery of the product increment 44.C . Doing more exploratory testing. This answer is not helpful because doing more exploratory testing does not solve the issue of the late integration of the work. Exploratory testing can help to discover and learn more about the product increment, but it does not guarantee that the integration is done smoothly and quickly. Furthermore, doing more exploratory testing may introduce more uncertainty and variability, and hinder the delivery of the product increment 55.D . Using Behavior-Driven Development. This answer is not relevant because using Behavior-Driven Development does not directly affect the integration of the work. Behavior-Driven Development is a technique that can help to define and communicate the expected behavior and outcomes of the product increment, but it does not ensure that the integration is done frequently and effectively. Additionally, using Behavior-Driven Development mayrequire more collaboration and coordination, and complicate the delivery of the product increment [6].E . Investing in more Requirements Traceability. This answer is not useful because investing in more Requirements Traceability does not improve the integration of the work. Requirements Traceability is a practice that canhelp to track and document the origin and evolution of the product requirements, but it does not ensure that the integration is done timely and efficiently. Also, investing in more Requirements Traceability may increase the overhead and bureaucracy, and slow down the delivery of the product increment [7].F . All of the above. This answer is not correct because none of the above answers are effective for addressing the issue of the late integration of the work. As explained above, each of the above answers has its ownlimitations and drawbacks, and does not directly or sufficiently help the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to integrate their work more frequently and successfully. Therefore, the best answer is A. Integrating more frequently.
The best answer for this question is A. Integrating more frequently. This answer is correct because integrating more frequently can help the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to detect and resolve integration issues or dependencies
earlier and faster, and to deliver a potentially releasable product increment at the end of each Sprint. Integrating more frequently can also reduce the complexity and risk of integration, and increase the quality and feedback of value delivery 112233.
The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:
B . Doing more acceptance testing. This answer is not sufficient because doing more acceptance testing does not address the root cause of the problem, which is the late integration of the work. Acceptance testing can help to verify the quality and functionality of the product increment, but it does not ensure that the integration is done early and often. Moreover, doing more acceptance testing may consume more time and resources, and delay
the delivery of the product increment 44.
C . Doing more exploratory testing. This answer is not helpful because doing more exploratory testing does not solve the issue of the late integration of the work. Exploratory testing can help to discover and learn more about the product increment, but it does not guarantee that the integration is done smoothly and quickly. Furthermore, doing more exploratory testing may introduce more uncertainty and variability, and hinder the delivery of the product increment 55.
D . Using Behavior-Driven Development. This answer is not relevant because using Behavior-Driven Development does not directly affect the integration of the work. Behavior-Driven Development is a technique that can help to define and communicate the expected behavior and outcomes of the product increment, but it does not ensure that the integration is done frequently and effectively. Additionally, using Behavior-Driven Development may
require more collaboration and coordination, and complicate the delivery of the product increment [6].
E . Investing in more Requirements Traceability. This answer is not useful because investing in more Requirements Traceability does not improve the integration of the work. Requirements Traceability is a practice that can
help to track and document the origin and evolution of the product requirements, but it does not ensure that the integration is done timely and efficiently. Also, investing in more Requirements Traceability may increase the overhead and bureaucracy, and slow down the delivery of the product increment [7].
F . All of the above. This answer is not correct because none of the above answers are effective for addressing the issue of the late integration of the work. As explained above, each of the above answers has its own
limitations and drawbacks, and does not directly or sufficiently help the Scrum Teams in a Nexus to integrate their work more frequently and successfully. Therefore, the best answer is A. Integrating more frequently.

Question 5

During Cross-Team Refinement, the ordered Product Backlog (1 through 9) is mapped out so the Nexus can visualize dependencies. For example, PBI 5 for Team Orange is dependent on Team Red completing PBI 1.
All else being equal, which PBI is most concerning?
(choose the best answer)

  1. PBI 2, because it has the most dependencies.
  2. PBI 1, because it is on the top of the Product Backlog.
  3. PBI 1, because it is the first piece of work with a dependency.
  4. PBI 2, because there is a dependency with a different team on work that occurs within the same Sprint.
Correct answer: D
PBI 2 is the most concerning because it involves a cross-team dependency within the same Sprint, which can create challenges and risks for the integration and delivery of the product increment. According to the Online Nexus Guide1, dependencies should be minimized or eliminated as much as possible, and if they exist, they should be made transparent and resolved as early as possible. Cross-team dependencies within the same Sprint can cause delays, conflicts, rework, and waste, and reduce the quality and value of the product increment 234.The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:A . PBI 2, because it has the most dependencies. This answer is not accurate because PBI 2 does not have the most dependencies, but only one dependency with PBI 1 from Team Red. PBI 3 has the most dependencies, as it depends on PBI 1, PBI 2, and PBI 4. However, PBI 3 is not as concerning as PBI 2, because its dependencies are not within the same Sprint, but across different Sprints. This means that PBI 3 can be refined and planned in advance, and the teams can coordinate and communicate their work more effectively 5.B . PBI 1, because it is on the top of the Product Backlog. This answer is not relevant because the position of PBI 1 on the Product Backlog does not indicate its level of concern, but its priority and value. The Product Backlog is ordered by the Product Owner based on various factors, such as business value, risk, complexity, and dependencies. PBI 1 may be on the top of the Product Backlog because it is the most valuable or urgent item, or because it is a prerequisite for other items, but it is not necessarily the most concerning item 6.C . PBI 1, because it is the first piece of work with a dependency. This answer is not true because PBI 1 is not the first piece of work with a dependency, but the first piece of work that other items depend on. PBI 1 does not have any dependencies itself, but it creates dependencies for PBI 2, PBI 3, and PBI 5. Therefore, PBI 1 is not as concerning as PBI 2, because it does not depend on any other item, and it can be completed independently by Team Red 5.
PBI 2 is the most concerning because it involves a cross-team dependency within the same Sprint, which can create challenges and risks for the integration and delivery of the product increment. According to the Online Nexus Guide1, dependencies should be minimized or eliminated as much as possible, and if they exist, they should be made transparent and resolved as early as possible. Cross-team dependencies within the same Sprint can cause delays, conflicts, rework, and waste, and reduce the quality and value of the product increment 234.
The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:
A . PBI 2, because it has the most dependencies. This answer is not accurate because PBI 2 does not have the most dependencies, but only one dependency with PBI 1 from Team Red. PBI 3 has the most dependencies, as it depends on PBI 1, PBI 2, and PBI 4. However, PBI 3 is not as concerning as PBI 2, because its dependencies are not within the same Sprint, but across different Sprints. This means that PBI 3 can be refined and planned in advance, and the teams can coordinate and communicate their work more effectively 5.
B . PBI 1, because it is on the top of the Product Backlog. This answer is not relevant because the position of PBI 1 on the Product Backlog does not indicate its level of concern, but its priority and value. The Product Backlog is ordered by the Product Owner based on various factors, such as business value, risk, complexity, and dependencies. PBI 1 may be on the top of the Product Backlog because it is the most valuable or urgent item, or because it is a prerequisite for other items, but it is not necessarily the most concerning item 6.
C . PBI 1, because it is the first piece of work with a dependency. This answer is not true because PBI 1 is not the first piece of work with a dependency, but the first piece of work that other items depend on. PBI 1 does not have any dependencies itself, but it creates dependencies for PBI 2, PBI 3, and PBI 5. Therefore, PBI 1 is not as concerning as PBI 2, because it does not depend on any other item, and it can be completed independently by Team Red 5.

Question 6

True or False: There is one Product Backlog for a Nexus.

  1. True
  2. False
Correct answer: A
A Nexus is a framework for scaling Scrum that enables multiple Scrum Teams to work on a single product 1. A Nexus has one Product Backlog, which is an ordered list of the work to be done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 1. The Product Backlog has a single source of requirements and priorities for the product, and it is managed by the Product Owner, who is accountable for maximizing the value of the product and the work performed and integrated by the Scrum Teams 1. Having one Product Backlog for a Nexus ensures that the Scrum Teams have a common vision, goal, and alignment for the product 23. Therefore, the statement is true.
A Nexus is a framework for scaling Scrum that enables multiple Scrum Teams to work on a single product 1. A Nexus has one Product Backlog, which is an ordered list of the work to be done by the Scrum Teams in the Nexus 1. The Product Backlog has a single source of requirements and priorities for the product, and it is managed by the Product Owner, who is accountable for maximizing the value of the product and the work performed and integrated by the Scrum Teams 1. Having one Product Backlog for a Nexus ensures that the Scrum Teams have a common vision, goal, and alignment for the product 23. Therefore, the statement is true.

Question 7

Scenario C: Dependencies and Product Backlog items During Nexus Sprint Planning, representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams identify many dependencies. This makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies.
What should the Scrum Teams do to effectively deal with their dependencies? (choose the best answer)

  1. Increase the frequency of Cross-Team Refinement to reduce dependencies.
  2. Merge the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each other.
  3. Institute quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams.
  4. All of the above.
Correct answer: A
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and manage dependencies between teams 11. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 11. One of the key events in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Sprint Planning, which is used to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11.In Scenario C, the Nexus Sprint Planning is not conducted effectively. The representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams identify many dependencies, which makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies. Dependencies are the relationships between the work items that affect the order, timing, or outcome of the work 22. Dependencies can cause delays, rework, waste, and lower quality 22. Therefore, it is important to identify and resolve dependencies as early and as often as possible 22.What should the Scrum Teams do to effectively deal with their dependencies is:Increase the frequency of Cross-Team Refinement to reduce dependencies. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because Cross-Team Refinement is an activity where representatives from each team in the Nexus meet to decompose and refine the Product Backlog items into smaller pieces of work that can be delivered by a single team or multiple teams 11. By doing this, the teams can reduce the dependencies by breaking down the work into more manageable and independent units 11. The teams can also identify and resolve the dependencies before the Nexus Sprint Planning, which will make the planning easier and more effective 11. By increasing thefrequency of Cross-Team Refinement, the teams can ensure that the Product Backlog items are ready and clear for the Nexus Sprint Planning 11.The other three answers are not correct because:Merge the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each other. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because merging the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each other is not a good solution. It implies that the teams are not able to collaborate and coordinate effectively with each other, and that they need to be in the same team to work on the same product 11. It also increases the size and complexity of the merged team, which can reduce its agility and productivity 11. It also does not address the root cause of the dependencies, which may be related to the product or communication structure 22.Institute quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams. This is answer C. This is not a valid answer because instituting quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams is not consistent with Scrum or Nexus. Scrum and Nexus require that the teams plan and deliver a potentially releasable Increment of product value in each Sprint, which is usually a few weeks long 11. Instituting quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams means that the teams are not planning or delivering any value or receiving any feedback in the Sprints 11. It also means that the teams are not able to adapt to the changing needs and expectations of the customers and users, which are essential for empiricism and agility 11.All of the above. This is answer D. This is not a valid answer because none of the above answers are valid. Therefore, choosing all of them is not a valid answer either.
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and manage dependencies between teams 11. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 11. One of the key events in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Sprint Planning, which is used to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11.
In Scenario C, the Nexus Sprint Planning is not conducted effectively. The representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams identify many dependencies, which makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies. Dependencies are the relationships between the work items that affect the order, timing, or outcome of the work 22. Dependencies can cause delays, rework, waste, and lower quality 22. Therefore, it is important to identify and resolve dependencies as early and as often as possible 22.
What should the Scrum Teams do to effectively deal with their dependencies is:
Increase the frequency of Cross-Team Refinement to reduce dependencies. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because Cross-Team Refinement is an activity where representatives from each team in the Nexus meet to decompose and refine the Product Backlog items into smaller pieces of work that can be delivered by a single team or multiple teams 11. By doing this, the teams can reduce the dependencies by breaking down the work into more manageable and independent units 11. The teams can also identify and resolve the dependencies before the Nexus Sprint Planning, which will make the planning easier and more effective 11. By increasing the
frequency of Cross-Team Refinement, the teams can ensure that the Product Backlog items are ready and clear for the Nexus Sprint Planning 11.
The other three answers are not correct because:
Merge the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each other. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because merging the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each other is not a good solution. It implies that the teams are not able to collaborate and coordinate effectively with each other, and that they need to be in the same team to work on the same product 11. It also increases the size and complexity of the merged team, which can reduce its agility and productivity 11. It also does not address the root cause of the dependencies, which may be related to the product or communication structure 22.
Institute quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams. This is answer C. This is not a valid answer because instituting quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams is not consistent with Scrum or Nexus. Scrum and Nexus require that the teams plan and deliver a potentially releasable Increment of product value in each Sprint, which is usually a few weeks long 11. Instituting quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams means that the teams are not planning or delivering any value or receiving any feedback in the Sprints 11. It also means that the teams are not able to adapt to the changing needs and expectations of the customers and users, which are essential for empiricism and agility 11.
All of the above. This is answer D. This is not a valid answer because none of the above answers are valid. Therefore, choosing all of them is not a valid answer either.

Question 8

The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:
(choose the best two answers)

  1. Coordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus.
  2. Discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items.
  3. Ensure all teams are committing to the right work.
  4. Create a plan for the Sprint.
Correct answer: AD
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and manage dependencies between teams 11. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 11. One of the key events in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Sprint Planning, which is used to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11.The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:Coordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is an event where the Nexus, consisting of the Product Owner and appropriate representatives from each team, meet to plan the Sprint 11. The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11. The Nexus Sprint Planning helps the teams to align their work with the Product Goal, identify and resolve dependencies, and create a common understanding of the Sprint 11.Create a plan for the Sprint. This is answer D. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is an event where the Nexus creates a plan for the Sprint 11. The result of Nexus Sprint Planning is a Nexus Sprint Goal that aligns with the Product Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog that contains the work to be done by the teams to achieve the Nexus Sprint Goal 11. The Nexus Sprint Backlog is a visualization of the work across the Nexus that has dependencies 11. The Nexus Sprint Goal and the Nexus Sprint Backlog guide the teams throughout the Sprint 11.The other two answers are not correct because:Discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is not the only time to discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items. Dependencies are the relationships between the work items that affect the order, timing, or outcome of the work 22. Dependencies can cause delays, rework, waste, and lower quality 22. Therefore, it is important to identify and resolve dependencies as early and as often as possible 22. The Nexus Sprint Planning is a time to coordinate the activities of the teams for the upcoming Sprint and to create a Nexus Sprint Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog 11. The discovery of dependencies should be done continuously throughout the Sprint, not only during the Nexus Sprint Planning 11. One of the activities that can help the teams to discover dependencies before the Nexus Sprint Planning is the Cross-Team Refinement, where representatives from each team in the Nexus meet to decompose and refine the Product Backlog items into smaller pieces of work that can be delivered by a single team or multiple teams 1[1][6].Ensure all teams are committing to the right work. This is answer C. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is not a time to ensure all teams are committing to the right work. The Nexus Sprint Planning is a time to coordinate the activities of the teams for the upcoming Sprint and to create a Nexus Sprint Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog 11. The Nexus Sprint Planning is not a time to impose or dictate the work to the teams, but rather to collaborate and align the work with the Product Goal 11. The teams are self-organizing and autonomous, which means they decide how to do their work and what work to do 1[1][7]. The teams do not commit to the work, but rather forecast the work based on their capacity and understanding 1[1][7].
The Nexus framework is a way of scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on a single product. The Nexus framework uses Scrum as its building block and extends it only where necessary to minimize and manage dependencies between teams 11. The Nexus framework defines the accountabilities, events, and artifacts that bind and weave together the work of the teams in a Nexus 11. One of the key events in the Nexus framework is the Nexus Sprint Planning, which is used to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11.
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:
Coordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus. This is answer A. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is an event where the Nexus, consisting of the Product Owner and appropriate representatives from each team, meet to plan the Sprint 11. The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to coordinate the activities of all teams in the Nexus for a single Sprint 11. The Nexus Sprint Planning helps the teams to align their work with the Product Goal, identify and resolve dependencies, and create a common understanding of the Sprint 11.
Create a plan for the Sprint. This is answer D. This is a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is an event where the Nexus creates a plan for the Sprint 11. The result of Nexus Sprint Planning is a Nexus Sprint Goal that aligns with the Product Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog that contains the work to be done by the teams to achieve the Nexus Sprint Goal 11. The Nexus Sprint Backlog is a visualization of the work across the Nexus that has dependencies 11. The Nexus Sprint Goal and the Nexus Sprint Backlog guide the teams throughout the Sprint 11.
The other two answers are not correct because:
Discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items. This is answer B. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is not the only time to discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items. Dependencies are the relationships between the work items that affect the order, timing, or outcome of the work 22. Dependencies can cause delays, rework, waste, and lower quality 22. Therefore, it is important to identify and resolve dependencies as early and as often as possible 22. The Nexus Sprint Planning is a time to coordinate the activities of the teams for the upcoming Sprint and to create a Nexus Sprint Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog 11. The discovery of dependencies should be done continuously throughout the Sprint, not only during the Nexus Sprint Planning 11. One of the activities that can help the teams to discover dependencies before the Nexus Sprint Planning is the Cross-Team Refinement, where representatives from each team in the Nexus meet to decompose and refine the Product Backlog items into smaller pieces of work that can be delivered by a single team or multiple teams 1[1][6].
Ensure all teams are committing to the right work. This is answer C. This is not a valid answer because the Nexus Sprint Planning is not a time to ensure all teams are committing to the right work. The Nexus Sprint Planning is a time to coordinate the activities of the teams for the upcoming Sprint and to create a Nexus Sprint Goal and a Nexus Sprint Backlog 11. The Nexus Sprint Planning is not a time to impose or dictate the work to the teams, but rather to collaborate and align the work with the Product Goal 11. The teams are self-organizing and autonomous, which means they decide how to do their work and what work to do 1[1][7]. The teams do not commit to the work, but rather forecast the work based on their capacity and understanding 1[1][7].

Question 9

The purpose of the Nexus Sprint Backlog is:
(choose the best two answers)

  1. To make the work of the Nexus Integration Team transparent.
  2. To provide a view of dependent Product Backlog items in a Sprint.
  3. To visualize all Product Backlog items.
  4. To make dependencies transparent to the Scrum Teams.
Correct answer: BD
The purpose of the Nexus Sprint Backlog is to provide a view of dependent Product Backlog items in a Sprint and to make dependencies transparent to the Scrum Teams 15. The Nexus Sprint Backlog is a composite of the Product Backlog items from the Sprint Backlogs of the individual Scrum Teams, and it is used to highlight dependencies and the flow of work during the Sprint. It is updated throughout the Sprint as more is learned 21324354.The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:A . To make the work of the Nexus Integration Team transparent. This answer is not accurate because the Nexus Sprint Backlog does not only show the work of the Nexus Integration Team, but also the work of all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is responsible for facilitating the integration and delivery of the work done by the Scrum Teams, but it does not select or assign the work for them 15.C . To visualize all Product Backlog items. This answer is not true because the Nexus Sprint Backlog does not contain all the Product Backlog items, but only the ones that the developers in the Nexus believe are necessary to achieve the Nexus Sprint Goal. The Product Backlog is the single source of requirements for the product, and it is managed and ordered by the Product Owner 15.
The purpose of the Nexus Sprint Backlog is to provide a view of dependent Product Backlog items in a Sprint and to make dependencies transparent to the Scrum Teams 15. The Nexus Sprint Backlog is a composite of the Product Backlog items from the Sprint Backlogs of the individual Scrum Teams, and it is used to highlight dependencies and the flow of work during the Sprint. It is updated throughout the Sprint as more is learned 21324354.
The other answers are not correct for the following reasons:
A . To make the work of the Nexus Integration Team transparent. This answer is not accurate because the Nexus Sprint Backlog does not only show the work of the Nexus Integration Team, but also the work of all the Scrum Teams in the Nexus. The Nexus Integration Team is responsible for facilitating the integration and delivery of the work done by the Scrum Teams, but it does not select or assign the work for them 15.
C . To visualize all Product Backlog items. This answer is not true because the Nexus Sprint Backlog does not contain all the Product Backlog items, but only the ones that the developers in the Nexus believe are necessary to achieve the Nexus Sprint Goal. The Product Backlog is the single source of requirements for the product, and it is managed and ordered by the Product Owner 15.

Question 10

Scenario B: Six Team Nexus with complex dependencies
A six team Nexus is developing a complex product, with different parts of the product that only certain Scrum Teams can work on. In fact, there are some highly specialized individuals outside the Nexus that are required for some of the work. In past Sprints the Nexus encountered challenges dealing with the many dependencies between Scrum Teams.
Which of the following practices could this Nexus try in order to conduct Nexus Sprint Planning more effectively?
(choose the best two answers)

  1. Ensure all Scrum Teams and outside experts are available during the Nexus Sprint Planning event and have a way of quickly communicating with each other. They should try to be together in the same room or usetechnology that makes it seem as if they are in the same room.
  2. Plan one Scrum Team's Sprint at a time before moving on to the next team. This way you can account for time zone differences and can communicate dependencies across all teams.
  3. Have the Nexus Integration Team select the work for each of the individual Scrum Teams. This allows the Nexus Integration Team to control the dependencies.
  4. Visualize the known dependencies in the Product Backlog for all to see. As Scrum Teams select work for the Sprint, they can easily check for any dependent work and communicate with other teams.
Correct answer: AD
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to coordinate the activities of all Scrum Teams within a Nexus for a single Sprint 1. To do this effectively, the Nexus needs to have a clear understanding of the dependencies between the teams and the work items, and to communicate and collaborate with each other and any outside experts as needed. Therefore, the best practices for this Nexus are:A . Ensure all Scrum Teams and outside experts are available during the Nexus Sprint Planning event and have a way of quickly communicating with each other. They should try to be together in the same room or use technology that makes it seem as if they are in the same room. This practice enables the Nexus to have a shared understanding of the Product Backlog, the Product Goal, and the Nexus Sprint Goal, and to resolve any issues or questions that may arise during the planning. It also allows the Nexus to leverage the expertise of the outside specialists who are required for some of the work 2.D . Visualize the known dependencies in the Product Backlog for all to see. As Scrum Teams select work for the Sprint, they can easily check for any dependent work and communicate with other teams. This practice helps the Nexus to identify and manage the dependencies between the teams and the work items, and to optimize the flow of value delivery. It also supports transparency and alignment within the Nexus 3.The other two practices are not effective for this Nexus because:B . Plan one Scrum Team's Sprint at a time before moving on to the next team. This way you can account for time zone differences and can communicate dependencies across all teams. This practice is not optimal because it does not allow the Nexus to plan the Sprint as a whole, and to adjust the work allocation and sequence based on the dependencies and the Nexus Sprint Goal. It also creates delays and inefficiencies in the planning process, and reduces the collaboration and feedback opportunities among the teams 4.C . Have the Nexus Integration Team select the work for each of the individual Scrum Teams. This allows the Nexus Integration Team to control the dependencies. This practice is not consistent with the Nexus framework, which states that the Nexus Integration Team does not select the work for the Scrum Teams, but rather facilitates the integration and delivery of the work done by the Scrum Teams. It also undermines the self-organization and empowerment of the Scrum Teams, and reduces their ownership and accountability for the work 1.
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to coordinate the activities of all Scrum Teams within a Nexus for a single Sprint 1. To do this effectively, the Nexus needs to have a clear understanding of the dependencies between the teams and the work items, and to communicate and collaborate with each other and any outside experts as needed. Therefore, the best practices for this Nexus are:
A . Ensure all Scrum Teams and outside experts are available during the Nexus Sprint Planning event and have a way of quickly communicating with each other. They should try to be together in the same room or use technology that makes it seem as if they are in the same room. This practice enables the Nexus to have a shared understanding of the Product Backlog, the Product Goal, and the Nexus Sprint Goal, and to resolve any issues or questions that may arise during the planning. It also allows the Nexus to leverage the expertise of the outside specialists who are required for some of the work 2.
D . Visualize the known dependencies in the Product Backlog for all to see. As Scrum Teams select work for the Sprint, they can easily check for any dependent work and communicate with other teams. This practice helps the Nexus to identify and manage the dependencies between the teams and the work items, and to optimize the flow of value delivery. It also supports transparency and alignment within the Nexus 3.
The other two practices are not effective for this Nexus because:
B . Plan one Scrum Team's Sprint at a time before moving on to the next team. This way you can account for time zone differences and can communicate dependencies across all teams. This practice is not optimal because it does not allow the Nexus to plan the Sprint as a whole, and to adjust the work allocation and sequence based on the dependencies and the Nexus Sprint Goal. It also creates delays and inefficiencies in the planning process, and reduces the collaboration and feedback opportunities among the teams 4.
C . Have the Nexus Integration Team select the work for each of the individual Scrum Teams. This allows the Nexus Integration Team to control the dependencies. This practice is not consistent with the Nexus framework, which states that the Nexus Integration Team does not select the work for the Scrum Teams, but rather facilitates the integration and delivery of the work done by the Scrum Teams. It also undermines the self-organization and empowerment of the Scrum Teams, and reduces their ownership and accountability for the work 1.





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