Download Zend.200-550.PracticeTest.2018-11-10.113q.vcex

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Exam Zend Certified PHP Engineer
Number 200-550
File Name Zend.200-550.PracticeTest.2018-11-10.113q.vcex
Size 76 KB
Posted Nov 10, 2018
Download Zend.200-550.PracticeTest.2018-11-10.113q.vcex

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Demo Questions

Question 1

What is the result of the following bitwise operation in PHP?  
1 ^ 2

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. -1
Correct answer: B

Question 2

What is the output of the following code? 
echo "22" + "0.2", 23 . 1;

  1. 220.2231
  2. 22.2231
  3. 22.2,231
  4. 56.2
Correct answer: B

Question 3

Which of the following will set a 10 seconds read timeout for a stream?

  1. ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 10);
  2. stream_read_timeout($stream, 10);
  3. Specify the timeout as the 5th parameter to the fsockopen() function used to open a stream
  4. stream_set_timeout($stream, 10);
  5. None of the above
Correct answer: D

Question 4

What function allows resizing of PHP's file write buffer?

  1. ob_start()
  2. set_write_buffer()
  3. stream_set_write_buffer()
  4. Change the output_buffering INI setting via ini_set() function
Correct answer: C

Question 5

What does the __FILE__ constant contain?

  1. The filename of the current script.
  2. The full path to the current script.
  3. The URL of the request made.
  4. The path to the main script.
Correct answer: B

Question 6

What can prevent PHP from being able to open a file on the hard drive (Choose 2)?

  1. File system permissions
  2. File is outside of open_basedir
  3. File is inside the /tmp directory.
  4. PHP is running in CGI mode.
Correct answer: AB

Question 7

What purpose do namespaces fulfill?

  1. Encapsulation
  2. Alternative to classes
  3. Improved performance
  4. All of the above
Correct answer: A

Question 8

When would you use classes and when would you use namespaces?

  1. Use classes to encapsulate code and represent objects, and namespaces to avoid symbol name collisions
  2. Use classes for performance-sensitive code, and namespaces when readability matters more
  3. Use namespaces for performance-sensitive code, and classes when readability matters more
  4. Always use them; namespaces are always superior to classes
Correct answer: A

Question 9

You'd like to use the class MyDBConnection that's defined in the MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer namespace, but you want to minimize *as much as possible* the length of the class name you have to type.  What would you do?

  1. Import the MyGreatFramework namespace
  2. Import the MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer namespace
  3. Alias MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer\MyDBConnection to a shorter name
  4. Alias MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer to a shorter name
Correct answer: C

Question 10

How should you track errors on your production website?

  1. Enabling display_errors
  2. Enabling log_errors
  3. Having a site-wide exception handler
  4. Setting error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Correct answer: B





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