Download Zend.200-710.ActualTests.2018-01-03.75q.vcex

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Exam Zend Certified Engineer
Number 200-710
File Name Zend.200-710.ActualTests.2018-01-03.75q.vcex
Size 833 KB
Posted Jan 03, 2018
Download Zend.200-710.ActualTests.2018-01-03.75q.vcex

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Demo Questions

Question 1

Consider the following two files. When you run test.php, what would the output look like? 

  1. 12,12
  2. 12,24
  3. 24,12
  4. 24,24
  5. PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare strlen()
Correct answer: C

Question 2

What is the difference between the spaceship operator (<=>) and the strcmp() function?

  1. There is no difference in functionality
  2. strcmp() returns a Boolean value, the spaceship operator a number
  3. strcmp() does a case-intensive comparison, the spaceship operator does not
  4. The spaceship operator returns -1, 0 or 1; strcmp() may return any integer
Correct answer: D

Question 3

What is the method used to execute XPath queries in the SimpleXML extension?

  1. xpathQuery()
  2. xpath()
  3. simpleXMLXpath()
  4. query()
  5. evaluate()
Correct answer: B

Question 4

What function allows resizing of PHP’s file write buffer?

  1. ob_start()
  2. set_write_buffer()
  3. stream_set_write_buffer()
  4. Change the output_buffering INI setting via ini_set() function
Correct answer: C

Question 5

You’d like to use the class MyDBConnection that’s defined in the MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer namespace, but you want to minimize *as much as possible* the length of the class name you have to type. What would you do?

  1. Import the MyGreatFramework namespace
  2. Import the MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer namespace
  3. Alias MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer\MyDBConnection to a shorter name
  4. Alias MyGreatFramework\MyGreatDatabaseAbstractionLayer to a shorter name
Correct answer: B

Question 6

You want to parse a URL into its single parts. Which function do you choose?

  1. parse_url()
  2. url_parse(0
  3. get_url_parts()
  4. geturlparts()
Correct answer: A

Question 7

What is the output of the following code? 

  1. This is text
  2. $text
  3. $text1
  4. $text2
Correct answer: B

Question 8

What function can be used to retrieve an array of current options for a stream context?

  1. stream_get_options()
  2. stream_context_get_default()
  3. stream_context_get_options()
  4. The ‘options’ element of the stream_get_meta_data() return value
Correct answer: C

Question 9

Given the following array:
Which function will remove the value 28 from $a?

  1. array_shift()
  2. array_pop()
  3. array_pull()
  4. array_unshift()
Correct answer: A

Question 10

When would you use classes and when would you use namespaces?

  1. Use classes to encapsulate code and represent objects, and namespaces to avoid symbol name collisions
  2. Use classes for performance-sensitive code, and namespaces when readability matters more
  3. Use namespaces for performance-sensitive code, and classes when readability matters more
  4. Always use them; namespaces as always superior to classes
Correct answer: A





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