Download Zend.200-710.BrainDumps.2018-06-13.46q.vcex

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Exam Zend Certified Engineer
Number 200-710
File Name Zend.200-710.BrainDumps.2018-06-13.46q.vcex
Size 627 KB
Posted Jun 13, 2018
Download Zend.200-710.BrainDumps.2018-06-13.46q.vcex

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Demo Questions

Question 1

In a shared hosting environment, session data can be read by PHP scripts written by any user. How can you prevent this? (Choose two.)

  1. Store session data in a different location with session.save_path
  2. Store session data in a database
  3. Enable safe_mode
  4. Set to something unique.
Correct answer: AB

Question 2

What is the output of the following code? 

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 20
  5. 7
Correct answer: C

Question 3

Which PHP function is used to validate where the contents of $_FILES[‘name’][‘tmp_name’] have really been uploaded via HTTP, and also save the contents into another folder?

  1. is_uploaded_file()
  2. is_uploaded_file
Correct answer: 12

Question 4

After performing the following operations:
What will be the value of $a?

  1. array(‘c’, ’b’, ’a’)
  2. array(2, 1, 0)
  3. array(‘a’, ’b’, ’c’)
  4. None of the above
Correct answer: C

Question 5

Which of the following functions are used to escape data within the context of HTML? (Choose two.)

  1. htmlentities()
  2. addslashes()
  3. stripslashes()
  4. strip_tags()
  5. htmlspecialchars()
Correct answer: AE

Question 6

What is the output of the following code? 

  1. 1
Correct answer: 1

Question 7

Which class of HTTP status codes is used for server error conditions?

  1. 2XX
  2. 3XX
  3. 4XX
  4. 5XX
Correct answer: D

Question 8

What is the output of the following code? 

  1. string(0) “”
  2. bool(false)
  3. string(1) “!”
  4. string(2) “k!”
Correct answer: A

Question 9

Is the following code vulnerable to SQL Injection where ($mysqli is an instance of the MySQLi class)? 

  1. No, the code is fully protected from SQL Injection.
  2. Yes, because the $name variable is improperly escaped.
  3. Yes, because the $name variable and the $age variable is improperly escaped.
  4. Yes. because the $age variable is improperly escaped.
  5. Yes, because you cannot prevent SQL Injection when using MySQLi
Correct answer: D

Question 10

An unbuffered database query will (choose two):

  1. return the first data faster
  2. return all data faster
  3. free connection faster for others scripts to use
  4. use less memory
Correct answer: AD





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